Saya mulakan pagi ini dengan lagu yang boleh memberi ketenangan jiwa kepada kita semua...
Hari ni nak bercakap tentang satu persoalan yang saya kira popular, ditujukan daripada seorang bukan Islam kepada seorang hamba Allah yang Islam.
Dialog dia lebih kurang mcm ni..
A: I am sorry, I want to ask you something. Maybe this is quite sensitive for you, but I cannot find any answers for it. What I know is, the good person will enter to the Heaven, and the bad person will be taken into the Hell. If the good person has done a bad thing, does he will enter the Hell and all the good deeds he did will be not taken into account at all? God loves us right?! Why does He make the Heaven and the Hell? Why does not He just make the Heaven, so that all people can enter the Heaven?
B: This situation is the same with the situation in the classroom, where we have all the rewards and punishments. We praise our students if they behave, and we punish them if they do not. There is something special about God (Allah). He does not make the Heaven only for the good people, and the Hell only for the bad people. The bad people always have the chance to repent for their mistakes, and God will always accept their repentance.
Sesi soal jawab tertangguh atas sebab sesi pembelajaran formal akan bermula dalam masa terdekat..Maka, kami menyambung sesi ini melalui FB..
B: Continuation of your question just now, Why does God make the Hell?
Rational thinking...Will we just step back and do nothing if somebody arrested ourselves, or somebody else?
A: No, we won't...
B: Thats why we have all those rules and punishment...Same goes to God (Allah). He makes the rules (rewards and punishments)..Hell does not show His cruelty, but actually His warning...He loves us so that He makes the Heaven and the Hell...the Heaven is the one He asks us to choose actually,.but still, human is still human..we have our weaknesses...n Allah always offers us the space and room to repent.
A: So, does it mean that the warning He impose on us is temporary? bcos i thought we wud already be dead when we have to undergo does that mean we still have a chance of going to heaven even after we've been to hell?
B: Yup...we still got the chance...its not a guarantee if we make all the good deeds, we will enter the heaven just like depends on our 'niat' also..if we do all the good things without the sincerety or 'niat' of worshipping to Him, it is nothing...that is not sincere...And, sometimes, the bad guys have the chance to enter the Heaven because of their tiny good deed they did in their life...I can say that, the Heaven and the Hell do not depend on our deeds only, but His judgment also will be taken into account too..
A: I the end of the day, it depends on us to do the right thing while we are still alive. Thanks for the explanation, B. I really appreciate it.
B: Yup!!! its ok!! no prob...i hope it answers your curiosity...n if u hv any to ask me, please just ask...
Tamat setakat itu...
Klise kan? soalan yang selalu kita baca melalui nota FB, blog2, tapi tiba masa kita sendiri disoal, apa reaksi kita? Terkejut? Terkedu?
Apa yang penting, soalan-soalan yang sensitif dan 'tricky' ini tidak mampu menggoyah iman selagi mana kita yakin dengan Iman dan Islam yang ada dalam diri. Mungkin kekurangan hujah daripada Al Quran dan Hadis, tetapi bagi saya, setiap persoalan berkaitan dengan Allah dan Islam, masih ada perkaitan dengan kehidupan seharian. Contohnya, B menjawab soalan A, dengan bertanya tentang tindakan A jika ada seseorang yang melakukan jenayah terhadap orang lain. Itu adalah salah satu perkaitan terdekat yang boleh dikaitkan dengan rasional Allah menjadikan syurga dan neraka.
Kisah pengajaran tentang taubat seorang pembunuh
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